Psychological Safety and Non-violent Communication Working with Agility

It is increasingly evident how, in today's organizational settings, there is a close correlation between the Psychological Safety climate present in work teams and the level of performance and result achieved. This is even more noticeable in organizations that most pursue Agility. 
Among the key words that help create and nurture this climate, in addition to trust, respect and feeling free to express ourselves, besides a “non-punitive” culture of error, we find empathy, which can be expressed through an open, positive communication that is attentive to the needs of the different parties.

This course will offer an insight on what Psychological Safety means, why it is important, the behaviors favoring it and the benefits that it can generate for an Agility culture. In particular, we will see how a specific way of relating and communicating – well translated by Rosenberg's approach into non-violent communication (henceforth: NVC) – can support empathy and Agility, creating a secure foundation for the entire organization and work teams.
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